The Totema option appears any time a member of a race you've gotten a Totema for aquires 10 judge points (JP). One last question once you use a Totesma can you use it again or is it gone forever? Raising them (by feeding them items) makes your Morpher's use of their abilities more powerful. You can capture monsters with the human hunter class, and use their abilities with the Nu-Mo Morpher class.
Has anyone got into the monster raising part of the game? I'm assuming you can capture monsters and train them for battle. The judges keep people in other clans from 'really' dying, remember? (Of course Clans from Jagds still come back too, but this is Final *Fantasy* not Final *Internal Consistancy*.) Nope, they'll keep hounding you until the end. Is it possible to take out a clan after a certain number of sucessful battles? I notice I keep running into the same clan even though I've beaten them already.